Friday, March 1, 2013

Hero of Canton!

Jane Cobb.
A hat that will go down as one of the essential "must make" projects if you consider yourself a fanboy/fangirl who also happens to knit awesome stuff.
(There's also a certain scarf in that category which you'll most likely see in a post soon.)
The hat has been knitted up several times by me, but the quote that goes with the hat needed to be immortalized as well.

And the back of the hoop I liked to think of as Browncoat issued underpants fabric!

There are rumors everywhere that a continuation of Firefly is in the works.
Let's hope it's not just rumor.
Let's aim to misbehave!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. oh i think this is my favorite hoop of ever!
    and yes, i could be influenced by my love of firefly and the hero of canton... but you've got to admit, this is a really awesome hoop!
    you rock blairsey!!


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