June prompt: Summertime!
This spring both of my munchkins had surgery to remove their adenoids...
BOMB POPS in the recovery room from the nurses were such a hit we had to stock up at home.
I then officially declared it "The Summer of the Bomb Pop"!
I'd never used Waste Canvas before and really wanted to give it a try.
I eeked out this REALLY simple pattern on graph paper and went about the stitchin'!
The backstitch lettering turned out a bit wonky, I'll need to practice that a bit...and the background fabric is an orange sherbet color my lighting isn't doing a whole lot of justice.
I just love the look of cross stitch but sometimes not the AIDA cloth. It can be so stiff!
This is going to open up a lot more opportunity to cross stitch, I can tell!
This is bombtastic Blair! And I like a little wonky once in awhile :)
*YOU* are da bomb!!! this is awesome!!